Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Showers and Bathrooms Update

"BLUE" shower stalls Corian Sinks
As construction goes things are behind schedule. They are hoping the 3rd week in October. There are at least 2 crews of tile layers working all day. They finally finished the lighting today so for the first time the different crews don't have to work with the old fixtures hanging from the rafters or lights on an extention cord plugged in at the mini golf. So there is some progress. The new outdoor shower is up but no tile on the deck. We will leave the old outdoor shower up and running as a unisex for awhile longer.
People are really coming back. I guess its the cold and wet weather everywhere but here. George and I went to a US Foods show at the convention center in Phoenix yesterday and the thermometer in the car coming home read 110. The weather person is promising 80 by Friday but they haven't told the truth all summer so I will just see each day when I wake up.

The first newsletter will come out the 9th thanks to Susan Lee. For a special treat read it on the internet as it's in color and looks really nice.

Vicki & Mike will be back the first of next week. Marc came back today. Shelene came back this last week, Carole's new co-worker at the Gate Office Bob will be here around the 12th and the new Activity Director, Lily will be here also around the 12th. That will be full staff with their skates on.

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