Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This picture was taken looking toward the swimming pool. The header running lenght wise is for the glass brick that will divide the two rooms. Today the electricians are installing all the plug ins boxes and light boxes. The air conditioner guys where here yesterday installing the platform on the roof for the air conditioner to sit on. Tomorrow is a meeting with the architect about the tile colors for the floor, 40 inch wainscoating, sink counter tops, cabinet counter tops, storage closet doors, shower floors, locker doors, and the wall colors.

Jeff is looking for the connection still for the inlet that sends the water to the irrigation and water fountain by the pool. Sam is off sick, he thinks he has food poisoning. We think we have it isloated to the faucet by the palm tree outside the shuffleboard courts. Tomorrow we saw off the incoming line and see what happens. Never a dull moment at FHTV

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