Friday, July 17, 2009

Here is a picture taken today. The plumbing is in in the part of the building you are looking at and the end you don't see there are two guys installing the plumbing there. The two by four wall structure you see is just ceiling support to hold the roof up until they install the ceiling beam. When all is done you will only see adobe walls on the outside of the building there will be no exposed brick in the shower rooms. More pictures the middle or the end of next week. Things are moving alone.

I am concerned though with the tempory outdoor unisex shower. All those who have used it really like it. Joyce said she was real leary but Don was taking his showers there so he convinced her to try it. She really enjoyed taking a shower outside. My concern is that everyone is going to like it and want us to keep it. HA!

1 comment:

  1. We both love it, but I don't think it would be so popular in January; the breeze blowing through feels great when temps exceed 100, but not 60.
